Saturday 12 April 2008

Where I get most of my books from

I have at home over 1000 books which still need to be read! Out of those, many are books on spirituality (learning about your psychic abilities, exploring past lives, mediumship, tarot, astrology, palm reading, etc).

Living on a small island where books are extremely expensive to buy (Cypriots are not known for their love of reading, they say they like to 'live life, not read about it'), the prices are just staggering.
Also buying online is not the cheapest, so I get most of my reading material from trading sites, particularly one called

This site is the biggest used books trading site around, and what best, it's international. So no matter in which corner of the world you are located, if you have some books at home that you no longer need them, and are in need for new reads, chances are you can get them here!

All you need is the following:
- have at least 10 books that you want to trade (30 is even better, as you get a 0.1 points for each book you add to your inventory, and to 'mooch' (i.e. to request) a book from an international member is 3 points).
- have a big wishlist there, because as soon as somebody adds a book that happens to be on your wishlist, you are either notified by email, or you can see it by checking often your wishlist on bookmooch (or, of course, you can set an rss feed to follow on any wishlisted books that are added to the system, with a delay of, I think, 15 minutes)
- it's not a necessity, but it's good if you ship internationally, because then you have more chances of somebody mooching (requesting) a book from you, which means you get more points, which in turn can be used to mooch interesting books by yourself.
For each book mooched within your own country you get (or give) 1 point, and for international, because of the higher shipping costs, you get 3 points, but if you're the one to request a book, you only pay 2 points (one point is given by the system to the sender, which is great!)
Regarding actual costs, all you need to pay are the shipping costs to the book requester, that's all.

I also post at times books about spirituality, so if you don't mind getting books from Cyprus (with some cool stamps on the envelope!), here is my inventory:
and here is my bio page, if you feel like reading a bit about me:


Bookmooch has been a life saver in the past. Although I don't get so many wishes come up anymore.

Don't forget to look at my avl's for when you come to Vienna ;)