Monday, 14 April 2008

It was not the time yet

I am currently reading a book on NDE (near death experiences) called Closer to the Light, and I find it very interesting and intriguing. Will post a review later when I've finished reading it.

Usually in the morning while I have my breakfast I like to read a bit, before going to work. So having read a few pages of the book, it was in my mind this morning, and while I was tying my shoe laces, preparing to go to work, I was thinking that I had a few books at home about NDE before, and while I like to read books about past lives, somehow I always steered away from this particular subject of NDE, and was wondering why. I even remember having in the past two copies, not one, by Bettie Eadie, and gave both away without reading. So while I was wondering about this, I got a voice in my head telling me 'it was not the time yet'.

Then I got further 'info' about it, like if I tried to read books about NDE before, they would definitely scare me away, because this subject is not that much about past lives, something which is far away and sort of 'intangible', but it's about our own 'mortality', our own death, which will happen, it's in the future. And I guess this thought did scare me.
But now that I'm reading this book, I'm not scared, don't feel 'weird' or uncomfortable at all, I actually find it very interesting.

I'm not sure where the voice telling me this came from, was it my own, a fabrication of my thoughts, or something else, but I heard it very clearly and I realised it said the truth. Before, I was definitely not ready to read a book about death and NDE.

I know it is a small thing taken with everything else, but for me it was quite profound and another validation that there is something greater than us out there, guiding us and helping us when in need. We just have to listen.

Another thing I was pondering on...why the voice while I was tying my shoelaces? I guess it's because doing that is such a mundane, every day thing (just like brushing your teeth, etc), which requires absolutely no mind work, that my mind was free to 'wander around and receive' at that moment.