Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Musing on self-help books and life

It's weird really how life turns things around and things that we said 'no' to before, suddenly are so much part of our lives.

Lately I've been reading, educating myself, educating my mind and soul really with all sorts of self-help books written by Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Joe Vitale and I realized I really enjoy reading these books. They lift me up. They give me energy to continue with whatever I am doing right now, on whatever I am focused on the moment.

Right now, for example, I am listening to an audiobook by Tony Robbins called Live with passion. I haven't listened to him in a good while, and I forgot how uplifting this guy can be.
While listening to the CDs, my mind drifted away for a bit, and suddenly I started laughing. I just realised that life has a way of changing our minds constantly.

Has it ever happened to you that you said you won't ever do something specific, only to be proved wrong throughout the years? Well life keeps pulling these stunts on me all the time lately.
But back on the topic, why was I laughing suddenly? Well, I am on a famous book trading site called, and about 2 years ago, when I joined the site, in my bio page I wrote the following, refering to what type of books I like - or I don't:

"My favourite genres are the so called 'sick shit types' (books about serial killers, psychopaths, the gorier details the better), psychological thrillers, supernatural mysteries and paranormal romances. And some things falling under the large umbrella of spirituality: meditation, chakras, reincarnation, reiki, books about mediums and psychics, etc. However I don't read books about witchcraft wicca (spells, etc) and shamanism, or 'how to become a better person' type books."

Now read the last sentence carefully, particularly the last few words. I completely forgot about having written this, and having felt so strongly about it at that time. I had so many self-help books at home, and I traded them all for paranormal silly romances that just waste your time (I still read them, don't get me wrong, but I did learn to put them in perspective and to how much time to devote to them).

And what am I doing now? Reading, or listening to exactly the type of self-help books I didn't want to even hear about 2 years ago. Life does like to prove one wrong, doesn't it?

Or maybe not. Maybe it's just us. When we say we don't want to hear about something, or don't want to know about something, we put a block between ourselves and that thing, between us and the divine, universe, whatever you want to call it. However, once our perception shifts and expands, the blocks clear, one by one like the building bricks during a demolition process, and suddenly we find ourself doing the very thing we didn't want to know about previously.

So if anything life taught me is to never say no and never, because life does have a way to prove us wrong and to make us realise that no is just a word of the moment, it is just a word born out of our projection of that particular moment - both of which, projection and moment, can change at any time. The more we learn, the more our original perceptions about the world and ourselves change.


I enjoyed your post about change. It helped me to remember that I only have to be open to learning new things, and as soon as I do, I am different now to how I was 'then'(before I looked). Always moving, progressing, changing & evolving. Thanks!

How strange to read those comments from you ...but I read with joy.
Long time no see,but think of you often so often and remember. We have both come a long way and done a lot of life learning ( or remembering)
Wish you well..

Pam, if you read this, please contact me on email. Indeed, long time to speak (years?), but I'd love to hear from you and have a chat like in the old times :)