The book is an autobiography written by Nancy Myer, a long time psychic. Ever since a kid, while traveling across the world as a diplomat's daughter, she finds herself discovering all sorts of psychic abilities in herself. From sensing and seeing auras, to knowing what a like minded person thinks, to psychometry - the art of touching an item belonging to a person and knowing what exactly happened or is happening to that person, Nancy has a wide range of psychic skills which she will only be able to truly face as a grown woman, when she is asked by the police to help with some cold cases. At first these abilities make her the mock of the people around her who hear of her and her gift for the first time, but when her success rate with the police increases, she finds herself finding real friends among them, and a real purpose in life. However she also finds that the more accurate her readings are, the more 'spooked' other people become, and they distance from her accordingly.

The book is quite interesting, grabs your attention to the cases presented and also makes you feel a bit sad about the lonely life Nancy has to live due to her gifts. I guess being one of the 'chosen ones', as she puts it, is not always easy.
There is just one small 'technical' thing about the writing style which I didn't really enjoy - the book is written in the 3rd person, as if somebody is writing her biography, although it is clear from the book that it's her and her second husband who wrote the book. Otherwise I strongly recommend this book if you're interested in serious and provable aspects of psychic abilities and the work these psychics perform around all of us.

I was curious about Nancy Myer's work, and upon a bit of google-ing around, I found her website at
So far she has worked extensively with police force from all around the world, down to Japan and Australia and it seems that her success rate is quite high.
She strongly reminds me of Allison DuBois (remember Medium, the tv show?), who is also an established psychic helping police wherever she can. Allison it mostly focused on finding missing children.

The fact that psychic abilities exist is more and more recognised around the world, and psychics are getting slowly the appreciation and trust they deserve. A new 'breed' of psychics has emerged in the last few years, the so-called psychic detectives, who specialise in helping police solve all sorts of crimes. From finding missing children, finding where bodies were dumped by killers, identifying killers and rapists and reconstructing crime scenes, all these help tremendously bring the word 'psychic' in a new, more favourable light even by the most skeptical at heart as well. How can they not when there are clear success rates corraborated by the police and the media? This is no longer just the image many people have of a gypsy sitting with her crystal ball reading to some housefraus, but real, very normal people show that psychic abilities are natural, and although some are born with them, others can as well learn and sharpen them.